Saturday, July 20, 2013

Tomato Jam

                                                                    Tomato Jam it is not very common in the stores. My mother used to make this Tomato Jam at home.Though it is very simple to make she made it  very rarely because we would not eat bread that often in my house!!!Because it was home made and had no onion or garlic in it I remember my grand mom used to have it with pooris,chapathis and dosas because she would never eat the store bought bread or jam.
It is a very healthy and kids friendly recipe because there are no preservatives.I thought it was a very rare recipe and would share it with all of you!!!!!

You will Need(to make two small bottles)

  • Six to seven Tomatoes
  • One cup Sugar
  • Lemon Juice 

How to

  • Wash the tomatoes well and throw them in to boiling water and switch off the stove.Leave it for few minutes until the skin cracks

  • Take them out and leave it on a plate for it to cool

  • Peel off the skin and puree it in a blender.

  • Pour it in a saucepan and boil along with one cup of sugar.

  • Let it thicken for about ten to fifteen minutes in medium flame.If you are making larger quantity then it would take longer.

  • When it becomes thick and reaches a saucy consistency switch off and squeeze half a lemon.If you do not want lime juice avoid it.Let it cool store in dry glass bottles.Stays for few days or  refrigerate if you want to keep it for longer time.(10 to 15 days).

  • Use Ripe and Pulpy Tomatoes for good results.
  • You can add some flavours like cardamom or cinnamon.


RENU said...

cool uma.yummy

Shanthi said...

looking yummy..Homemade is always best...

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Very similar recipe to the one I recently posted here:

It is a family recipe too.

Gayathree Krishna said...

absolutely delightful

Gayathree Krishna said...

absolutely delightful

Amar Daniel said...

We will be making this today..... the recipe is very similar to grapes and papaya jam I make - so this should be fine too

Amar Daniel said...

Is it necessary to skin the tomatoes - what if.....the skin remains? does it make it bit chunky? or not advisable?

Janice said...

the jam looks so yumm..loved the rich colour...